Social Entrepreneurship for Young Unemployed

An innovative and comprehensive training material on the topic of Social Economy and Entrepreneurship aiming at supporting young (potential) social entrepreneurs in order to start their own social enterprise.
  • Duration: -
  • Asynchronous Education
  • Full Access
  • Language: English
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Purpose, Values + Vision

The development of the curriculum for Young Social Entrepreneurs, based on ECVET principles, aims to:
Foster their entrepreneurial motivation, skills and mindset.
Raise the learners’ awareness of the various aspects of starting up and running a successful business and social enterprise - legal, financial, managerial, leadership, marketing, etc.
Provide a comprehensive online learning environment combining theory, practice, online coaching from experienced trainers and mentors, active networking with peers and opportunity to attract potential investors;
The inspiring experiential learning journey will be based around tasks, missions and challenges, through which – enabled by the game elements of the platform– the users will develop the basic knowledge, skills and mindset, required to become social entrepreneurs.

About the course

What's included?

  • 9 Sections
  • Certificate of Completion
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Established in 2005, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) is a fast-growing Center of Excellence in European Entrepreneurship. 
As a state-of-the-art international organization, iED promotes change for the better, through entrepreneurial and innovative actions and supports every entrepreneurial venture across Europe.
With the use of our EU partner network and our experience in diverse EU funded research programmes focused on entrepreneurship, we have created a Knowledge Hub tailor-made to cover the need of the entrepreneurial world, in the European area.